My Prezi presentation

In order to capture stable footage and make sure that our experimental footage was doen as best as possible we used a Manfrotto tripod here and here to asssure that our work looked as professional and stable. this was used in conjunction with a Canon Camera for our practise film opening and our filming of our title sequences. Once we obtained the neccissary footage we used iMovie to make sure that our practise opening and title sequences were edited to look as clean as possible.

We studied how the proffessionals used editing software to make thier film openings as engaging as possible, to do that we used a website called Art of the Title to help us find and study professional film opeoingis and proffesional title sequences to study and utilies thier techniques fo our own film opeings.

Finally after obtaing the neccisary footage we used Final Cut to edit all the footage together and make sure that it looked as proffesional as we could make it as it is our first attempt at filming and editing.

In order to correctly conduct the neccisary research we utalised a website called FutureLearn, FutureLearn is a website in which anyone can go onto it and learn/study anything they have available, from media, to business, to maths. 

In order to present our research we used various sites and applications to help it be presented in a modern, well presented way, the applicatiosn i used were Scoop.itPinterestPowerpoint, and ComicLife

We also used a video of FDA Kezya Williams to help us learn hpow certain filsms should go about distributing and how to correctly distribute a small film of our budget correctly, and finally i re-used the art of the title website three times (herehere, and here) to learn how to make a proffesional looking and soundimng film opening.

To make sure that we could film our story with minimal hiccups we had to plan out various parts of the film. Firstly we used Google forms to retrieve the information we needed and to make sure that we would satisfy out target audiences, needs and expectations and it served as a very good and easy way to conduct first hand research. Then after we conducted the research we had to display the research in powerpoint and formulate an estimated vision of what our target audience's interests and demographic would be.

We used a camera as well during the practise film opening and the hot seating, as green screens and premier pro to make sure that we could make the product look as well done as possible, and the usage of the greenscreen was due to the facte that we didnt have the time to film at the location itself. the same applied for the hot seating in which we used premiere pro to successfully edit it together.

In order to make our film we had to go through various stages of production, such as social media, construction of a BBFC certificate, film our product and edit it together.
in order to do this we used Photoshop, Adobe AfterEffect for the creation of our idents and the BBFC certificate.

We then moved on to using our cameras and tripods for the filming of our product. 

We had to use various forms of social media to finish our product. the primary forms of social media we used were twitter, Instagram and Facebook as they are the most commonly used forms of social media and would help us to reach as many people as possible. 

I used Prezi for a less informative but more attractive version fo this same presentation. and i used LinkedIn for my Creative Critical Reflection 2 to help protray the information in a more attractive format and to help people looking through this blog learn what we did easier and find it easier as well.

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