Tuesday 4 February 2020

CONSTRUCTION : social media

In order to gain an understanding of how films and TV shows are advertised we decided to make some social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in order to investigate the response. We chose these platforms as they are the most commonly used social media platforms and therefore most likely to be seen by the general public. I took personal charge of the Instagram and Twitter account, meaning that I had to be aware of how to maximise reach to an audience on both of these types of social media platform.

This type of social media I have experience with as it is my most commonly used form of social media, which means that I know how to get a following and how to get attention on the app. I decided that in order to keep consistent with the theme of the film all posts would be exclusively in black and white to keep a constant colour pallet and to look more appealing for anyone who looks at our account. In keeping to monochrome posting I hoped to start to make some brand unity with the social media advertising and the film itself and build excitement for the same.

This social media is used as a central hub to update people when we post something onto our Instagram account when we update something on our website, and also to notify our audience when we do some filming. The hashtag Duty Calls was launched on Twitter and continues across Facebook and Instagram building further on our marketing across platforms.

On this we will be uploading posters and reviews for the public to see and upload their own reviews and comments. Facebook is the most commonly used social media platform in the world and therefore can be used to reach the largest audience and get a good start for a social following.

This will be used to post our finished, edited work such as our hot seating short and our final piece, meaning that we can send it to all the users of the separate social platforms allowing the viewers to access the videos and watch them for their own entertainment. It will also be where the final piece will be uploaded for the public to see.


  1. You and your Production Team excelled yourselves creating a suite of social media platforms in your pursuit of pathways to distribute your film. Well done!
