Thursday 13 February 2020

CONSTRUCTION : Representation of problems in society

How does my film opening represent ethical problems and issues?

My film explores two main social issues that face society today, the first one is the large amount of violence that is happening, with specific examples being knife crime and gang related violence/crimes. we made sure that we tried to portray the problems as something that isn't good, as so we can be sure that no-one will watch our film and think that it is a good thing to commit violent crimes and hurt people.

The second problem/issue that we decided to help people realise was a problem was mobs or gangs. we tried to portray these groups of people as dangerous and something that isn't to be desired or idolised. we did this by making the people watching the film get to know the detective, even if slightly, then ending the film with the boss pulling a gun on the detective, this means that people will link the mobs/gangs to violent acts such as that and as the boss is portrayed as a villain the all these problems will than be linked to the horrible acts of the boss.

our film also lightly touches other subject such as drugs, however it is not a prevailing theme, this was done in the shots when the antagonist smokes a cigarette filled with and unknown substance. however we don't have this as a primary theme in the film and it is never referenced again.

1 comment:

  1. Reflective post in preparation for Creative Critical Reflection 1.
