Friday 14 February 2020

CONSTRUCTION : final peice

My final piece is shown as above, it was made in partnership with IGNITE films and PSYX productions. We chose to go for a more older style of film, with a genre that is rarely seen as of recent. 

We chose the black and white colour pallet as it looked smoother and fit the theme of the film we were going for, it also helped with making our production look more professional, smooth and    tight-knit. The black and white was also chosen as it looked quite stylish as well, the lack of colour makes the audience more engaged and involved in the film. 

There was one time in the film where we decided to use a bit of colour, and that was the flame that our antagonist used to light his cigarette, we did this edit because we realised that it would fit the theme that we were going for and it would look very stylish and professional, using a small amount of colour in our film was an idea we came up with to make our film unique amongst the other productions.

The camera angles we used were primarily used to indicate who was in power in any situation, the key time this was used in our film was on the boat, when the camera panned upwards when the antagonist rose from his seat, giving the impression that is was towering over the detective, both physically and mentally.

There was a smooth match cut which we used to show that the detective has travelled a certain distance, this was very effective and our editing was really good as to keep the cut smooth and controlled.

Each member of our team was responsible for a separate part of the film: 

- Editing : This job was taken on by Thomas Hutchinson, he made sure that all the cuts smoothly fit together and he came up with the idea to make the flame coloured, as to make it stand out from the rest of the film. he also edited the soundtrack together in an effort to add some suspense to the film. he also managed request as he had the most experience and talent when it came to editing and managing editing software.

- camerawork/cinematography :  Charlie Slorick took the lead for this role due to the fact he has camerawork experience and was knowledgeable on how to use the environment to our advantage. this worked out really well and we ended up with some extremely professional looking shots.   

- Directing : i wanted to do something inspired by the godfather (1972) the rest of my team agreed that it would be a good idea as there aren't many films like that being made anymore and it had become less mainstream, so it would be unique. i did let the cast and crew have quite a lot of freedom in how they conduct their lines and how they wish to portray their character, i just made sure that filming was running smoothly and made sure that everything as going according to plan.

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