Tuesday 3 December 2019

CASE STUDY : Rogue One, A Star Wars story

Rogue One Questions
Kathleen Kennedy, and Allison Shearmur

• Who directed the film?  Gareth Edwards

What other films have they directed? 
Monsters, Godzilla

• What was the budget? $265 million (gross) $219.5 million (net)

• Who stars in it? Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker

• What other films have they been in? The Theory of Everything, Black Panther, Inferno

 What technology has been used to make the film? (What cameras did they use? How was the film edited? What CGI was involved?) The film employed usage of CGI to help build the image of outer space and create the planets that the story would be set on, Alexa 65, which is Arri’s top of the line digital cinema camera. It shoots in 6K resolution.

• How was the film marketed? Which different marketing tools were used? It was primarily marketed through posters, trailers, and interviews with the cast. This meant that it would reach a wide range of audiences quickly and efficiently.

• What examples of synergy with other products/merchandise can you find? T-shirts, Figurines, books, graphic novels,lego products etc.

• What examples of cross media convergence can you find?Duracell, Nissan, Gillette, Verizon, General Mills, Uber

• What examples of technological convergence can you find? Snapchat filters which allowed pictures to be taken with members of the cast in the background

• Where and when was this film released (nationwide, worldwide) and in what cinemas? The film was released worldwide and in all cinema's as to maximise profits 

 Who produced the film?  Kathleen Kennedy, and Allison Shearmur

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